Thank you very much for choosing to stay at SUIDEN TERRASSE.
To ensure you have a comfortable stay with us, we would like to share some important information and requests.
Please take a moment to read the following guidelines:
●Check-out time is 10:00am.
Please enjoy your stay until check-out time.
●To contact the front desk, please use the tablet device provided in your room.
●Please check the evacuation route map on the inside of your room door.
●Please note that room doors do not automatically lock. Be sure to lock your door.
●The entire facility is non-smoking. Please use designated smoking areas if you wish to smoke.
Please refrain from bringing cigarette butts into your room (including e-cigarettes).
●When using the spa building, please bring your room key and the provided towels.
●We do not permit the use of the restaurant while wearing indoor clothes/loungewear. Thank you for your understanding.
●For security reasons, the main entrance will be locked from 00:00am to 5:00am.
If returning during these hours, please use the intercom.
●Regarding Taxi Services:
If you need a taxi, please ask at the front desk.
Please note that during adverse weather conditions or at certain times, we may not be able to arrange taxi services.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause during your stay and appreciate your understanding.
You may also arrange taxis directly yourself.
・Tsuruoka Taxi: 0235-64-1333
・Daiwa Transportation: 0235-22-7733
・Dewa Hire: 0235-22-1981
・Shoko Hire: 0235-22-0055
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the front desk.
We hope you enjoy a relaxing stay with us.